Organizational Assessment

Similar to a property inspection, an organizational assessment can point out some obvious focus areas and hidden dangers that could cause serious damage to your foundation.  Our seasoned consultants can help you identify not only
what to fix, but how to fix, these areas. 

There are many different types and components of an organizational assessment to choose from:    
    • Policy Review
    • Principles and Practices
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • Board Review



You may need one or all of these.  Organizational assessments are great to do before or in conjunction with a strategic plan but are also very effective when done
as part of operational planning. Organizational assessments can focus on governance, operations, strategy, mission, and programs.  

Your budget size, number of employees, how long you have been in existence, how long your Executive Director has been in their position all matter when determining which organizational assessment is right for you.


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Sometimes, you know what you know.  Nonprofit Network starts with learning and understanding where your organization is in your life-cycle, mission, and structure. And then uses a combination of best practices, checklists, interviews, surveys, and policies review. 
The result is a service or action plan that not only prioritizes a list of what's required, but then provides recommendations about how to get the work done.


Click HERE to request a conversation with one of our consultants who can walk through the process with you.