Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies

Thinking about adding a DE&I committee to your organization? Need a purposeful conversation around advancing your organization in this work? We offer organizational Assessments and Audits (through a DEI Lens) Contact us, we'd love to hear from you. We'll set up an appointment for you to have a quick conversation around your thoughts and needs.


*The Board Matrix: Decide who you need – not who you know.  Use a board matrix that lists all of the characteristics, skill sets and demographics you require. Inventory what you have, overlay term limits and leadership needs.  Recruit to fill gaps in your matrix and gaps on your committees.  Diversify your board by seeking people with different thoughts and perspectives, skills and demographics. Include all these on your matrix.

*Bias Exercise

 *Social Identity Exercise

 *Organizational Readiness Assessment 



     Regina Pinney adds her voice to her NN blog; I See You